About Jeanette Chasworth

Hi! I’m Jeanette and I am a certified Integrated Healing Practitioner.

I have been doing healing work for 25 years and have been certified in Integrated healing for 1 year.

I have worked on hundreds of issues resulting from emotions being stuck in the body. Issues like Asthma and interstitial cystitis to alleviating the affects of depression, family trauma and removing money blocks.

The mind, body, spirit connection is fascinating to me and when we clear up the energy block in your body, the pain often goes away and the mind and spirit are stronger.  I love being able to help free people from these emotional weights that are holding them back in life.  When the blocks are cleared, you will feel lighter, excited about life again and you can experience joy again. 

Depression and lung issues make it hard to enjoy life, when the blocks are clear, you can take in a full breathe of life again. 

I love helping people and I can’t wait to help you!